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Writer's pictureL4G Community Centre

P's Food Pantry Story

P had been referred to the food pantry by a bank clerk team member at his local branch, as he had shared his story of not being able to purchase food and not eating enough food on a regular basis. Read on to find out how the food pantry has helped.

P had gone through a huge life-changing experience having worked all his life, and then needing to take time out to care for his wife who was seriously ill. During this time P had to claim benefits and his debts also began to grow.

P was referred as an emergency shopper to the food pantry here at Longley 4 Greens. On his first visit, P explained that he often had to make the choice of whether he "eats or heats". He also shared his story on how he had been trying to survive on toast.

Part of the work we do at the food pantry is supporting clients and working out what would be the best support service for them, based on the information we receive from the individual. We made a referral to Sheffield Citizens Advice Bureau for P to be given debt advice, and we supported the client in contacting his utility suppliers.

We also try to reassure the clients that they are not alone in this financial struggle, and that as a food pantry we are here to support local residents in S5 who are struggling.

P was so overwhelmed by the support available, the kindness of the volunteers and staff, and the selection of choice in the food available from the pantry. P decided to become a member of the food pantry allowing him time to save some money whilst he addressed his debt issues.

During the period of P's membership we asked for feedback, and P shared with us the following: “If the food pantry had not been available, I'd be in a wooden box now, I wasn’t managing well at all. Now I’ve been given a lifeline and directed to the correct support which has helped no end."

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